So this happened. I'm trying to not spoil Pokémon X and Y, but it seems that almost every time I go to YouTube I accidentally see a new Pokémon. I might have to avoid YouTube for the next couple of weeks until I can play the game.
My reaction was very similar to the above video. That is a T-Rex Pokémon. A T-Rex! Pokémon has teased me since the beginning by giving us fossils and then having them NOT be dinosaurs. The only Dinosaurs we had were Aerodactyl, which almost doesn't count (almost), Rampardos, and Bastiodon. I love these three, don't get me wrong, but its about time we got a T-Rex!
Can I just say that this made me happy. I'm hyping X and Y up for myself so much.
Edit: And I just found out that Tyrantrum is a Dragon type Pokémon. Things just get better and better.
The sixth generation of Pokémon is happening soon and slowly the new Pokémon for it are being revealed. The starters were among the first, those being Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. I was kind of meh to Chespin and Froakie, but Fennekin is a fire fox and it won my heart and I decided that Fennekin would be my sixth gen starter.
Just look at the little guy.
Recently the first evolutions of the starters were revealed in a trailer (a trailer that I haven't really watched because I am trying not to spoil the game) and the internet Pokémon community was initially baffled. Save for Fraokie's evolution, they all seemed kind of lame. Until further inspection. Basically it seems that the starters are going to exemplify classic RPG classes. Chespin is looking like he'll be a Paladin, Froakie a Warrior, and best of all Fennekin is looking to be a mage. It even gets a wand (sort of) when it evolves.
I love RPGs (hence why I still play Pokémon) and my favorite class to play has always been the mage. I like magic. Fennekin is likely going to be a Fire/Psychic of Fire/Fairy type, and either way I'll be happy. I've wanted a Fire/Psychic type for a long time.
The only problem that I can see is that the 6th gen games offer a new starter and an old starter (Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle) and I think that I'm also going to choose Charmander. Having two fire types doesn't really give balance to a Pokémon team. I've decided that I don't care :D
In case you were unaware, Charizard is probably my favorite Pokémon. I might go into that some other time, for now, simply know that Game Freak has improved on perfection. Behold, Mega Charizard:
I'm not sure if I can handle this much awesome, but I'm willing to try.
Oh hey guys! Remember me? No? That's okay, its been probably three years since I've updated this, so I blame no one but myself. Recently I have been feeling creative in a different way. I want to make Youtube videos but I have absolutely no way of doing that and then my brother told me to just blog about it instead and I realized that I have a blog already that I have been neglecting horribly. Also my brother is a genius.
So! The first thing I wanted to blog about was Kingdom Hearts 3. I've been kind of gushing about this since it was announced. For those of you who don't know, Kingdom Hearts 3 was announced at the most recent E3. Square trolled us slightly with it, making the trailer look like another remake before completely blowing our minds. Here is the trailer:
If you don't believe me when I say that it blew our minds, look up Kingdom Hearts 3 reaction videos on youtube. Be warned, the fans can get a little vulgar sometimes when they get excited.
ANYWAY! This was probably some of the most exciting news for me from E3. IF you don't know, Kingdom Hearts is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney, something that doesn't sound like it should be awesome, but absolutely is. Sora, the main character, travels with Donald and Goofy to all sorts of Disney worlds. He visits the Lion King, Aladdin, and Mulan to name a few. Recently Disney has been on a global takeover binge and has been buying up franchises left and right. Most notably, Disney now owns Marvel and Star Wars. This caused the Internet to go into a stir when they realized that Sora could now conceivably travel to one or both of those worlds.
I think this would be the best thing ever and have been fantasizing about it, but some on the Internet don't think that this would work, nor do they think that it should happen because Disney didn't create them. I will endeavor to prove them wrong.
Kingdom Hearts 2 had a very unique world in it. The world was called Port Royal and was themed after Pirates of The Caribbean. Every other Kingdom Hearts world was based on an animated film or was original to the game. This was the first world based off a live action film and to be honest I didn't think it worked out very well at first. I thought it was awesome to be fighting along side Captain Jack Sparrow, but Sora being there seemed off. All the characters in Port Royal looked more realistic than Sora did. Sora was brighter and more anime looking, while Captain Jack was darker and more human looking. This made the level feel off. Not only that, but Sora has a friend named Donald, and Donald is a duck. I've always wondered why no one in any of the worlds look and Donald and freak out about the talking duck, but they are Disney worlds and it didn't bother me that much. Port Royal was different. It was more realistic. Can you image a talking duck in Pirates of the Caribbean? I think it would be a bit much for Will Turner to handle. None of the characters seem to notice though, and that always seemed to be pushing it to me.
You know what? I got over it! The level was fun and you got to fight undead pirates. When I first thought about Star Wars and Marvel being in Kingdom Hearts 3 I realized that they would face similar challenges to the Port Royal level. Except not really. For one, it will now be in HD. This will probably lessen the whole 'Sora looks weird compared to these characters' feel that I got from Port Royal. Also, they will likely be a lot brighter than Port Royal, also helping to remove the 'Sora doesn't fit here' feel. Donald will no longer be an issue. Star Wars has wookies. If Han can walk around with a wookie, than Sora can walk around with a duck. Marvel has a character called Howard the Duck. Its filled with super heroes and mutants. No one would bat an eye at Donald.
Some say that they shouldn't be in it because Disney never made those movies. Disney has owned Marvel for a few years now, they had to have been involved somewhere. Did anyone else notice that the quality of Marvel movies went up after Disney bought them? I did. Also, once Star Wars Episode 7 comes out, Disney will have made a Star Wars movie, and that movie will probably happen long before Kingdom Hearts 3 happens (sadly). So stop whining.
I've been thinking a lot about how these worlds would work. Let me throw some ideas at you.
Do you remember the 1000 heartless battle in Kingdom Hearts 2? Do you remember the epic events that led up to it? It is, hands down, the most awesome part of the game. If they made a Marvel world, they should work to recreate the feel that they had there. I can image Sora coming into the world (some other name for New York probably) and seeing the Avengers fighting off a wave of Heartless. They would probably tell Sora to run away, but Sora charges into battle and is actually quite good at this whole heartless slaying thing. I can image the Avengers asking Nick Fury who this kid is and having Fury admit that he doesn't know. I don't know what they would do for the story of the world or how Sora and Iron Man would get along, but I can just image getting the same feeling here as from the 1000 Heartless battle in KH2. The events leading up to that battle have Sora teaming up with a lot of different characters in a desperate struggle as wave after wave of heartless attack. I remember still how awesome it felt as Sora pressed on and was ambushed and then Cloud shows up to fight with him. Then Squall. Yuffie helps as well. Mickey was there. It was almost too much for me to handle. Something like that could happen with the Avengers (after Sora starts off not getting along with them of course and then slowly befriending them). Then, after seemingly defeating the Heartless, the Chitauri (I have no idea how to spell that) show up with even more heartless. Awesome.
Come on, you know you want Sora to fight this:
I do at least. Also, Goofy needs to get a Captain America shield. He neeeeeeeeds one.
So Avengers/Marvel has a lot of potential to be the best thing ever. What about Star Wars?
Sora and his buddies are flying along in their Gummi Ship when they see a world they haven't seen before approaching. "I wonder what kind of world that is?" Sora asks.
"That's no world," Mickey would respond.
And then their Gummi Ship gets pulled into the Death Star's tractor beam and an epic adventure ensues. Sora doesn't know this place is called the Death Star, so he might not be as cautious as Luke and Han were when they got pulled in, so Sora would probably immediately get imprisoned or something. Darth Vader and the Emperor have found the Heartless and are using them as soldiers along with their Stormtroopers.
I just imagined a Heartless dressed as a stormtrooper. It made me happy.
Moving on. When Sora comes aboard, both Obi Wan and Vader sense something they've never felt in the force before. The Keyblade. (Dun dun dun).
Sora needs a lightsaber keyblade. He needs one just like Goofy needs a Captain America shield. The only problem that I can see is that I would never use anything else and there would probably be at least one Keyblade better than it (even if that wouldn't make any sense).
So, that is how I might handle having Star Wars and Marvel appear in Kingdom Hearts 3. Even if they aren't included Kingdom Hearts 3 will be amazing, but this will make it better. I would be able to die happy and fulfilled.
So tell me, what would you do with Marvel and Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts? Do you want them included? Share with me your ideas.