Wednesday, October 8, 2008

NaNoWriMo is Awesome

Wait--What? What's NaNoWriMo and why is it awesome? Well I'll tell you!

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Its an event that takes place in November and has a lot of participants, including me. The point of NaNo is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. It can't be from a book you have already started beforehand, it must be a new novel. You start at midnight November first and write as much as possible, the goal being 50,000 words by November 30th 11:59 PM. You can write whatever you want, be it fanfiction, random silliness that comes to mind, or something that you want to be published later on.

I am participating in NaNoWriMo this year. What? Are you crazy? Probably. I'm totally unsure of how I will do, seeing as how most of my writing has been painfully slow up to this point, but I am willing to try. All I have to do is write about 1,667 words a day, not that hard right? Maybe, I don't know yet. All I know is that I'm very excited about participating.

During the month of November, don't attempt to communicate with me. My goal is to be writing whenever I have free time, and I have a lot of free time. That will be a little difficult because the TV is in the same room as the computer. I will either have to write when my siblings are at school, or at times like this when I am feeling extra nocturnal. Maybe my dad will let me use his office when it becomes particularly noisy in this room. That would help a bunch.

So far, one of my friends (the one who introduced me to NaNo) is doing it with me and we both intend to cheer each other on. If you are feeling particularly crazy, I recommend trying it with me. Go here if you wish to try: If you feel very much like a sane person, it would help a lot for you to a) not criticize my decision, and b) ask me how I'm doing every once in a while. I know myself very well, and I know that I am a champion procrastinator. I may find myself at the fourth week of November having only written the first day. I wouldn't be surprised. If one of you ask me how I'm doing now and then, or pretend to be excited to read what I've written, then I'll be much less likely to procrastinate in such a terrible manner.

So yeah, during November, don't expect my blog to update very much unless its to say how I'm doing. I have a small inkling of an idea of what I'll be writing. I need to work on it a lot before I actually start in November. So far, I think that my title is "The True Story of Roswell, New Mexico (A Blatant Fiction.)"

I think the hardest part will be for me to not edit as I go. Editing takes time and removes words, and I can't afford that.

My heavens what have I done?

1 comment:

FireMedicMom said...

Good luck!!! You are AWESOMe!!!