Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Awesome Little Story

So today I was on the computer doing nothing of consequence. My littlest of sisters was browsing the fridge and found a moldy cucumber (or something like that). Being Rachelle, she flipped out about it and ran over to me shouting stuff like "EW GROSS!" and "Joseph look at this!" I was the only person in the room and she seemingly needed to show it to someone so she went straight to me. If you didn't know, I'm allergic to mold. She more or less shoved it in my face and I asked her to not bring it over here. She asked if I was allergic or something and I said yes I was. Immediately she was out he door into the garage saying "that's not good!" When she came back in, the moldy veggie was gone, in the garbage outside probably. She then proceeded to look for more things in the fridge that might be moldy. I was kinda stunned. Rachelle went out of her way to make sure I wouldn't get sick from the mold. It was almost like she cared or something. O_o

I felt like blogging about it, so here it is. I wonder what Rachelle's reaction to this will be. :P

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Kingdom Hearts is Awesome!

A while back my super awesome Aunt Kathy asked me to do an awesome about Disney. She probably wasn't expecting Kingdom Hearts (or even knows what it is, but if you do, you get bonus points).
Kingdom Hearts is a video game developed by both Disney and Square Enix. This was a completly unexpected happening at the time. Square Enix makes games that are usually for an older audience (all their games getting a "T" for Teens rating) and Disney is geared for a much younger audience as you know. According to Wikipedia, the idea for Kingdom Hearts came about when producer Shinji Hashimoto met with a Disney executive in an elevator; Square and Disney had previously worked in the same building in Japan.
At first, the game was going to be geared for a younger audience, but Square people knew that the game wouldn't sell well because of who their normal audience is, so they expanded the game and made it deeper.
But what is Kingdom Hearts even about? It combines worlds from Disney and Final Fantasy (Square's main game series)to make one kick awesome game. It starts out in a place called Destiny Islands. you play some kid named Sora who is a new character made for this series. Eventually, Destiny Islands are destroyed by darkness and the scene shifts to the Disney castle where Donald and Goofy reside. King Micky is missing. He left a note for Donald and Goofy that said he needs to find out why the stars are going out. He instucts them to find the one with the Keyblade. Sora, coincidently got the Keyblade when his island was consumed by darkness. Sora meets up with Donald and Goofy (not even wondering why in the world he is talking to a duck and a dog) and they set out together. Sora is looking for his friends who dissapeared when his island did, and Doanld and Goofy are looking for Micky. They travel to different worlds looking for them. They go to many different Disney Movies. They visit Alice in Wonderland, Tarzan, Aladin, Pinocchio, Nightmare Before Christmas, and many others. They also meet up with several Final Fantasy legends like Squall Leonhart (who calls himself Leon in this game), Cloud, and Sephiroth.
This is one of my favorite games. It won several "Game of the Year" awards in 2002 and has sold 5.6 million copies worldwide. There are currently three Kingdom Hearts games out, with three more on the way, a fact that makes me very happy ^_^

To finish, here are some videos. The first is a trailer for Kingdom Hearts 1.

And the second is the trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2 (which is the third game in the series).

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Facebook is Awesome

Yep, I'm still alive. I've just been busy with a project, but now that its done, I'm going to make another post!

My wonderful sister Cherisa suggested that I do facebook on this blog. Facebook has an appreciable level of awesome, so I complied.

Facebook is a website where you can connect with your friends in all sorts of way. You can message them (easy email), you can poke them (useless but silly), you can write on their walls for everyone to see, and you can chat with them. I know some people who basically live on facebook. When they get on the computer, facebook is the first and last thing they do.

I am not a social person by nature, so I don't enjoy facebook as other people do, but even for someone like me, facebook can offer a lot. Just the other day, I found my long lost best friend who I haven't seen since probably the 5th grade on facebook. That was a happy thing indeed.

What I really use facebook for is the apps. The apps are little side things that you can do when not chatting with friends. Two apps that I like are Pet Dragons and Mob Wars. They've become the only thing I do on facebook now. In Pet Dragons, you raise your own dragon to be the best, and since I love dragons, I use it a lot. Mob Wars is a neat little game where you make your own mob. The size of your mob depends on how many friends you have, so my mob is pretty small.

Facebook has something for everyone. It really is a pretty neat place. I'm sure that everyone reading this however, already has an account :P

If I had to choose between facebook and myspace, I would choose facebook.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rachelle's Awesome

*Sigh* Well, in order to make my littlest of sisters to stop pestering me, here is Rachelle's awesome, Volleyball.

From what I heard, the American volleyball team did pretty well in the olympics. That's pretty awesome, I guess...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Metal Gear Solid is Awesome

My super awesome older brother John suggested that I blog about the awesome of Metal Gear Solid, and I thought, what an awesome idea!

Metal Gear Solid is a video game series mainly on the Playstation consoles (all three of them) but has been seen on the Gamecube. There is a series that takes place before this one called Metal Gear, but it was made in the NES days. All I know you need to know about those games, is that a man called Big Boss was the bad guy. In Metal Gear Solid, you play a government agent codenamed Solid Snake. His mission is to infiltrate a base on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska and rescue several important figures that are being held hostage and stop a nuclear threat. Snake must go in alone and do his best to remain undetected as long as possible and stay hidden as best he can while still accomplishing his mission. Because of the stealth aspect, Snake goes with almost no gear so as to leave as little evidence of his involvement as possible. Any weapons he needs to use he must find on location. Eventually, Snake meets with the leader of the terrorists (his twin brother, Liquid Snake), learns a bit about himself (he's a genetic experiment), and faces off against Metal Gear Rex, a bipedal nuclear tank. The game is deep in plot that wont ever make sense no matter how hard you try. At first it doesn't seem very deep, but as you progress you learn about government conspiracies and a lot about Snake's genes. If you only play the first game in the series, you miss out on a lot of plot stuff that is revealed in the second game.

When you insert Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, there is an epic opening scene with some amazing music that wont leave my head for a good couple of days having just listened to it.

Epic. This game has some bonus features and in those bonus features you can read "articles" written by some of the characters from the first game that reveals a lot you didn't know was happening in the first game and what has happened since the first game to the second one.

This game differs from the first in that Snake is not the main character. A lot of fans weren't happy about that, but they bore with it. You play as Snake for about the first two hours of the game, infiltrating a tanker that is rumored to hold a new type of Metal Gear. You learn that Snake no longer is working for the government, as they didn't treat him very well in the last game. Snake's portion of the game ends with the tanker sinking and things looking bad for our hero. You then play as a character whose codename is Raiden. Raiden is sent to an ocean clean up facility that was supposedly built to clean the mess left from the tanker that sank two years earlier (the one Snake was on) because the President is being held hostage by a group of terrorists. Raiden is told that Snake is the one who is holding the president hostage and was responsible for the tanker sinking. Having just played as Snake, you know that this cannot be true. You eventually meet up with Snake who has infiltrated the facility himself in order to find out who is doing things in his name. You eventually learn that it is another brother of Snake (Solidus Snake) who is behind all the badness. There is even more government conspiracy in this game. Solidus is holding the president hostage and threatening to detonate a powerful nuclear bomb on American soil because he wants to dethrone a group called the Patriots, who apparently control the United States government. In the last five minutes of the game, more plot twists are introduced than you can keep track of and you would have to play it a few times to ever make sense of what is happening. It still confuses me. The game ends with more questions than answers. Maybe they will answer them in the next game?

In Metal Gear Solid Three: Snake Eater, Snake still isn't the main character. Instead, you play Snake's father, codenamed Naked Snake, way back in the cold war. Snake's mission is to escort a Russian scientist across the border to safety. The mission goes to ruin as a famous American soldier, and Snake's mentor, codenamed The Boss, defects to the Soviet Union. The Boss brings a nuclear weapon to the Soviet Union and joins a group in the Soviet army that is plotting against the Soviet government. Snake is nearly killed in a run in with The Boss but he learns that a horrible nuclear weapon, called the Shagohod, is being developed. A week later, Snake must return to the same area and destroy the Shagohod and kill The Boss in order to prevent an all out nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Along the way, Snake learns of the Philosophers, who later become the Patriots. When Snake learns why The Boss defected at the end of the game, he becomes disgusted with the United States government and later becomes Big Boss.This game does answer some of the questions you have about the plot, but not all. Maybe Metal Gear Solid 4 answers them all.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots finally lets you control Solid Snake again. Something is a little different though. He's old. Because of genetic experiments the goverment did on him, he ages very rapidly. He's still awesome though. I haven't yet beat MGS4, so I don't knw if it answers all the questions I still have about the series. I have to play it more to find out. Since this will be the last game, I think its safe to say that yes, it does.

Snake was also featured in Super Smash Brothers Brawl on a side note. The creators of both games are friends, which is how this came about.

Keep in mind that all the games in the Metal Gear Solid series are rated M for mature. The series is not for children. Even so, John and I very much enjoy these games and think that they are worth playing.

All the games in the series are very cinematic, and long cut scenes are a big part of it. Some say that playing the game can be like watching a very long movie that you play a bit. Even if the cut scenes can get a little long, they are all very well done.

MGS is awesome!