Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Awesome Quintet

I saw this video on youtube and felt compelled to share because it is awesome. That is what this blog is all about after all.

Also, I'm trying hard to resist doing a rant post about Spongebob, though I'm getting close to a breaking point.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

'Twas an Awesome Day

Today was pretty awesome. It was a Sunday and Sunday's always start with me being unable to sleep before church starts because of my nocturnal nature. It was about 4 in the morning and my head wouldn't turn off so that I could sleep and I was thinking of my Dragon Story and as I thought many plot holes filled themselves with some plot. I ran downstairs and wrote it down before I forgot it. This was a very momentous occasion since the single biggest plot hole that had been nagging at me to be filled since near the beginning had filled itself and for the first time I really felt like I could pull this off (more of this in my writing blog a bit later). A great way to start a great day (if you ignore the no sleep thing which I usually do).

For whatever reason I found that I had a bundle of energy at church, strange since I had nearly no sleep before it started. Then during one of the classes, my sister Cherisa checked her texts and found that Amber had her baby. This only added to my unusual energy and I found it hard to concentrate anymore on what was being discussed. After church we didn't wait long before heading straight to the hospital to visit Amber. They haven't decided on a name yet, but she was so adorable and my heart melted whilst I was holding her. I'm not sure how odd it is for a guy like me to love babies so much, but I do, and she was just a perfect little baby. Her face started getting red while I was holding her and after a few seconds her diaper exploded. It was just too funny.

So today was pretty awesome. Things went well, though I am very tired.