Sunday, November 22, 2009

BubbleMan is Awesome

So theres a dude on youtube who makes videos a bunch named Hyadin. He's awesome in himself, but today I'll just speak of one of his videos. Its his BubbleMan Video.

BubbleMan is a boss in MegaMan 2. The song in the video is remixed from his theme in the game and then given words. The first few seconds are in Spanish for some reason and then it has a few English lines, but the bulk of it is in Japanese. Mostly because Hyadin is Japanese. Don't worry about not understanding a lick of it, I'll proved a general translation (general because the translations I've read are kinda iffy.)

So basically BubbleMan is all alone because he was designed to live underwater (he's a robot). The first part of the song he's trying to convince himself that everything is all right, but he soon admits how lonely he is, but that he can do nothing about it. He says that he longs for the sun. Then Megaman shows up, the first person that BubbleMan has seen probably since he was created. BubbleMan wants to be MegaMan's friend, but alas, he was created to fight him, not befriend him. BubbleMan looses the battle, but is thankful that he got to meet MegaMan and know friendship. At the end there it seemed as if someone was coming back for him, looking suspiciously like MegaMan.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dissidia Final Fantasy is Awesome!

No, I don't have an excuse for why I haven't posted here in almost two months, and yes it is three thirty in the morning. Oh wait, I guess that that could be an excuse. I have had a relatively normal sleeping schedule for almost two months now and during the day I get almost no computer time, its the night time that I get on the computer and accomplish things.

Anyway, to the point. Have you all heard of Super Smash Bros. Brawl? It will break my heart if you say no, so look it up if you haven't. Dissidia Final Fantasy is basically Super Smash Bros. Brawl but with Final Fantasy characters instead of Nintendo characters.

Those of you who have read my list of best things ever know that Final Fantasy is very high on that list. Then Dissidia came out. Dissidia takes awesome from all 12 Final Fantasy games and puts them into one super awesome game of amazing. Let me make this perfectly clear: Dissidia Final Fantasy is one of the best things ever. I love it more than almost anything else, and there are very few things that make me as happy as Dissidia. Yes, I do know how that sounds, and yes I am a total dork.

So basically, Dissidia (which is Latin, or some dead language, for conflict) plays out like this. There is a great war of the gods that has been going on for eternity. Cosmos, the goddess of Harmony, has been battling Chaos, the god of Destruction. Both gods recruit warriors to fight for them. Cosmos recruits all the good guys from Final Fantasy and Chaos recruits all the bad guys.

I can't tell you how happy I was when I heard that ALL of my favorite characters would finally meet. If you didn't know, the Final Fantasy games are all separate. The only thing that connects them is the title (and some other little things). This was on my list of best things ever long before I even played it because of the concept alone.

Dissidia is a fighting/RPG game. Your characters will level up as you use them and learn new abilities that you can then use in battle. You can play as the good guys and the bad guys, though you need to unlock the bad guys.

There is so much to do in this game! I've had this game for only two months and I've already played it more than any other game ever. I won't tell you the exact hours played because it would probably cause some of you to shake your head in shame and disbelief.

Nothing is perfect, and sadly Dissidia is no exception. There isn't really anything wrong with the gameplay, its one of the characters. The Cloud of Darkness is what her name implies, a cloud of darkness. This cloud unfortunately takes the form of a scantily clad woman, and its because of that character that I am limited in the pictures and or video's that I feel are safe to show you. If you are offended by the following video because of her, let me know and I'll take it down. Hopefully you won't even notice as she is in it for just a brief second.

This video had to be mirrored so that youtube would take it for some reason. This is the opening:

Okay, I'mma try and be more regular with updating you on the awesomes of the world. I have a few others planned and hopefully I will remember to post them.