Sunday, November 22, 2009

BubbleMan is Awesome

So theres a dude on youtube who makes videos a bunch named Hyadin. He's awesome in himself, but today I'll just speak of one of his videos. Its his BubbleMan Video.

BubbleMan is a boss in MegaMan 2. The song in the video is remixed from his theme in the game and then given words. The first few seconds are in Spanish for some reason and then it has a few English lines, but the bulk of it is in Japanese. Mostly because Hyadin is Japanese. Don't worry about not understanding a lick of it, I'll proved a general translation (general because the translations I've read are kinda iffy.)

So basically BubbleMan is all alone because he was designed to live underwater (he's a robot). The first part of the song he's trying to convince himself that everything is all right, but he soon admits how lonely he is, but that he can do nothing about it. He says that he longs for the sun. Then Megaman shows up, the first person that BubbleMan has seen probably since he was created. BubbleMan wants to be MegaMan's friend, but alas, he was created to fight him, not befriend him. BubbleMan looses the battle, but is thankful that he got to meet MegaMan and know friendship. At the end there it seemed as if someone was coming back for him, looking suspiciously like MegaMan.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dissidia Final Fantasy is Awesome!

No, I don't have an excuse for why I haven't posted here in almost two months, and yes it is three thirty in the morning. Oh wait, I guess that that could be an excuse. I have had a relatively normal sleeping schedule for almost two months now and during the day I get almost no computer time, its the night time that I get on the computer and accomplish things.

Anyway, to the point. Have you all heard of Super Smash Bros. Brawl? It will break my heart if you say no, so look it up if you haven't. Dissidia Final Fantasy is basically Super Smash Bros. Brawl but with Final Fantasy characters instead of Nintendo characters.

Those of you who have read my list of best things ever know that Final Fantasy is very high on that list. Then Dissidia came out. Dissidia takes awesome from all 12 Final Fantasy games and puts them into one super awesome game of amazing. Let me make this perfectly clear: Dissidia Final Fantasy is one of the best things ever. I love it more than almost anything else, and there are very few things that make me as happy as Dissidia. Yes, I do know how that sounds, and yes I am a total dork.

So basically, Dissidia (which is Latin, or some dead language, for conflict) plays out like this. There is a great war of the gods that has been going on for eternity. Cosmos, the goddess of Harmony, has been battling Chaos, the god of Destruction. Both gods recruit warriors to fight for them. Cosmos recruits all the good guys from Final Fantasy and Chaos recruits all the bad guys.

I can't tell you how happy I was when I heard that ALL of my favorite characters would finally meet. If you didn't know, the Final Fantasy games are all separate. The only thing that connects them is the title (and some other little things). This was on my list of best things ever long before I even played it because of the concept alone.

Dissidia is a fighting/RPG game. Your characters will level up as you use them and learn new abilities that you can then use in battle. You can play as the good guys and the bad guys, though you need to unlock the bad guys.

There is so much to do in this game! I've had this game for only two months and I've already played it more than any other game ever. I won't tell you the exact hours played because it would probably cause some of you to shake your head in shame and disbelief.

Nothing is perfect, and sadly Dissidia is no exception. There isn't really anything wrong with the gameplay, its one of the characters. The Cloud of Darkness is what her name implies, a cloud of darkness. This cloud unfortunately takes the form of a scantily clad woman, and its because of that character that I am limited in the pictures and or video's that I feel are safe to show you. If you are offended by the following video because of her, let me know and I'll take it down. Hopefully you won't even notice as she is in it for just a brief second.

This video had to be mirrored so that youtube would take it for some reason. This is the opening:

Okay, I'mma try and be more regular with updating you on the awesomes of the world. I have a few others planned and hopefully I will remember to post them.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Green Rider is Awesome!

Sometimes I'll read a book that I find painful to put down. I also get very annoyed at myself when I finish because I should have slowed down to enjoy it more. Green Rider is one of those books. I could not stop reading it until I was finished. This is another reason that I was noticeably absent from blogging for a while, I was reading this, and the two books that come after it.

To give you even more insight to how much I enjoyed it, a tale. I was reading it and I realized that I had to stop reading it because real life was getting in the way. At this time to voice my frustration I said, and please pardon my french, "Freaking cow butt!" I do not believe I have ever said that before, and I hope to never say it again. This book is so good I said cow butt at the thought of stopping.

So perhaps I should enlighten you on what its about. Karigan is running away from school after getting suspended. While on her journey home she finds a man with two arrows piercing his back with am urgent message to the king. It must be delivered and she is the only one around so he asks her to deliver it. She agrees and takes the mans horse and message and rides off, but the ones who killed the first messenger are now after the second.

So yeah, that's the basics. Its a straight up fantasy novel, with Kings, and Kingdoms, and monsters born from the evil of the blackveil forest. The only thing its missing is dragons, but I'll forgive the author for that on account of having such an awesome book.

The author created a very convincing world that has very real problems. The king is constantly worrying about the Providences in his kingdom and it constantly trying to keep them all from fighting. Karigan has problems and worries besides the obvious ones (people want to kill her dead) and throughout the series we see how she reacts I was cheering her on the whole way. I want that character to be happy and all the others! That doesn't always happen though. A lot of the time in the series someone will come out happy while another will be hurt; often you wish it was the other way around for the characters involved and then the author makes you feel guilty for thinking that.

So far there are three books in the series: Green Rider, First Rider's Call, and High King's Tomb. Each one is filled with unexpected twists and has a bunch of general awesomeness. You will find yourself cheering Karigan on as she does increasingly awesome things.

There is a fourth book in the making and it cannot come soon enough! I have to know what happens in the next book! I have to know who the King... ah, but that will be spoiling for you wouldn't it.

GO! READ! THESE! BOOKS! You won't be disappointed. And if you are, you are free to take it out on me.

Sorry for the lack of awesome lately

Several things happened that kind of killed any enthusiasm I might have had, the biggest you can read about on my other blog. I'm finally getting back on my feet and am prepared for more awesome. In fact, I have several awesomes prepared for you. Expect two posts, one about a book series and another about a game to come soon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Awesome Quintet

I saw this video on youtube and felt compelled to share because it is awesome. That is what this blog is all about after all.

Also, I'm trying hard to resist doing a rant post about Spongebob, though I'm getting close to a breaking point.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

'Twas an Awesome Day

Today was pretty awesome. It was a Sunday and Sunday's always start with me being unable to sleep before church starts because of my nocturnal nature. It was about 4 in the morning and my head wouldn't turn off so that I could sleep and I was thinking of my Dragon Story and as I thought many plot holes filled themselves with some plot. I ran downstairs and wrote it down before I forgot it. This was a very momentous occasion since the single biggest plot hole that had been nagging at me to be filled since near the beginning had filled itself and for the first time I really felt like I could pull this off (more of this in my writing blog a bit later). A great way to start a great day (if you ignore the no sleep thing which I usually do).

For whatever reason I found that I had a bundle of energy at church, strange since I had nearly no sleep before it started. Then during one of the classes, my sister Cherisa checked her texts and found that Amber had her baby. This only added to my unusual energy and I found it hard to concentrate anymore on what was being discussed. After church we didn't wait long before heading straight to the hospital to visit Amber. They haven't decided on a name yet, but she was so adorable and my heart melted whilst I was holding her. I'm not sure how odd it is for a guy like me to love babies so much, but I do, and she was just a perfect little baby. Her face started getting red while I was holding her and after a few seconds her diaper exploded. It was just too funny.

So today was pretty awesome. Things went well, though I am very tired.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

An Awesome Experience

A few members of my family and I went to hike the subway trail in Zions National Park a few days ago, and if you want to hear more about that then you can read my sisters blog. I'mma talk about a small event that happened that stands out in my mind.

We had stopped to eat stuffs and rest because its a long and arduous hike. There are many bugs and animals on the hike, and one bug that was very prevalent was the Dragonfly. Whilst we sat I saw a Dragonfly flying about my face and I raised my hand just a little and it landed on my index finger.

I have always been facinated by Dragonflys (perhaps because they are called Dragonflys) and to have one land on me, even for just a few seconds was amazing. I was verreh happy.

Yes, I did just geek out about a bug landing on my hand, thats just what I do.

Friday, July 17, 2009

His Majesty's Dragon is Awesome!

So not too long ago I was reading a webcomic about Dragons (big suprise) and the author of the comic recommended a book called His Majesty's Dragon. This book had dragon in the name and thus I looked it up on Amazon. It was not expensive and I had some money left over from something or other and before long I had a box from Amazon in my hands.

His Majesty's Dragon is a book set in England during the Napoleonic wars. In the book, Dragons are a part of the military, their riders known as aviators. England and France are at war (as you should know from your history lessons) and Dragons play a huge part in it.

I don't know about you, but I was already sold on the book by this point.

The main character's name is Laurence and his Dragon is Temeraire, but don't ask me to pronounce that. Laurence is a navy captain who takes a French ship and on the ship is a Dragon egg. Temeraire hatches from that egg and Laurence finds himself suddenly an aviator after being a naval man almost his entire life.

The Author, Naomi Novik, obviously researched well and knew what she was talking about... writing about. This book is fantastic and follows well with history as far as a story like this can. When I finished it I was sad because I couldn't read it anymore, but then I realized that there are a total of 4 books already out. I will be getting the next one as soon as I can because this bok was incredible. I highly recommend reading His Majesty's Dragon. Talk about an awesome book.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Awesome New Website

So I made an awesome website because all authors should have one. You should check it out.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Don't Panic, We Still Have Awesome (Now In Tired Ramblings)

I'm terrible at updating this. Part of that is because I'm spending almost every waking moment working on the pageant, the other (slightly bigger) part is because I'm lazy. I'm so very lazy. I don't think I've accomplished anything this past three weeks that wasn't associated with the pageant. And then, when I tried to get something done, the computer I was on died. I seem to lack a serious work ethic. The only reason I'm writing this is that I had an unusual burst of energy (most likely due to the fact that its my birthday) and wanted to get something done, I looked through a list of websites and saw this one and realized that I've been very neglectful of poor little awesome here. So here I am, updating this now. I had a full list of idea's of what to put here and forgot while my burrito was being microwaved and I already started so this post might just be a ramble (I think its too late to say the word might).

Paragraphs! It's easier to read something when it isn't a wall of text.

Ok, so mayhaps I'm a tad tired. It is 5 in the morning and I haven't slept yet. That usually isn't surprising, but today I didn't get to nap at midnight, so I'm a bit more tired than normal. Yes, I do take naps at midnight. I used to think that when I got tired at midnight that it would be an opportunity to fix my sleeping schedule, but they always ended up being naps. So I nap, starting anywhere from 10PM to midnight and ending anywhere from midnight to 2Am.

Sometimes I think the chances of anyone reading what I write here is very low. That might also account for the low amount of postings that I've been doing. You may have guessed that I like to write, and I like for people to read what I write. I will often get discouraged when I don't get a comment, thinking that either nobody read it, or even worse, nobody who read it liked it. Comments are a very happy thing. I smile inside for hours when I get one. Now I don't know what else to put in this paragraph, so I'll end it there.

You may know that I have ambitions to be a best selling author, and if you didn't you do now. I used to think that it would be simple. My plan when I decided that this was what I would do with my life was thus: 1. Write kick-awesome book that rivals Harry Potter. 2. Become a millionaire. There are a few holes in that plan. I have a good foundation (writing a kick-awesome book), but I missed a few thousand steps in between that and the millionaire part. I also thought that being an author meant that I can have a reclusive lifestyle where I never have to have any human contact whatsoever (ideal for me), but I was also wrong. I have taken to reading the blogs of literary agents, new authors, and other people associated with my field of choice. They have shed light on my naive mind. This will be a difficult endeavor. One that will require hard work and dedication and possibly result in mental instability (more so than already apparent). As I was reading these blogs I began to be discouraged. How can I compete in the publishing world? My novel(s) are not nearly good enough and the sheer amount of work to get them to that level of kick-awesomeness is daunting! The economy is making it harder and harder to get published, I may never succeed! D:

But then I said to myself, "Who cares!" And then the more logical side of me started ranting that I should care and that perhaps I should consider a more stable career choice so that I may have a comfortable lifestyle. The writer in me told the logical me to back off. Logic told Writer more facts and showed some cool graphs about the chances of our success. Writer pretended to be interested, but the whole time was thinking of how to fill up that plot hole in our dragon story. Logic noticed that he was being ignored and did the logical thing, he grabbed Writer's face. With Writer's full attention Logic proceeded to lay out several alternative career options that would prove to not only provide stability in life, but probably a lot of comfort as well. He used quotes from our dad, "You should go into law," and past aspirations and showed how we could very well succeed in these places. Recluse jumped in and shouted something about dealing with to many people before retreating back into his cave. Logic and Writer ignored him because they had both come to face the fact that we will be unable to escape people no matter what job we go into. We heard grumblings from Recluse's cave. Having lost his train of thought brought on by Recluse's outburst, Writer told Logic that we love to write and tell stories and that we don't care if life isn't all that great so long as we are doing what we love to do. Before logic could respond, Writer hit Logic with some leftover writer's block and ran.

To sum that up, I still want to be writer. I wonder how long Logic will stay unconscious.

My computer is showing some of the signs that it would very much like to explode. This has happened before so I can recognize the signs. I'll have to stop writing though it has been much fun and renewed my hope in myself (ourself?). Hopefully, the computer will be fine. I'd prefer not to have another computer explode while I am using it (the count is up to two).

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I have an Awesome Mom

So, it being Mother's Day and all, I feel its time to make a post about my awesome mom.

I have a super awesome momma. She's the best. My mom and I are best friends. Whenever she doesn't work we hang out all night, both of us being night owls and all. At this time I would post a picture, but I don't have any, so use your imagination.

But my mom isn't the only mom I know. I have tons of sisters who are also moms. They are all super awesome and have equally awesome kids. They all take such good care of their kids. All of them are super moms (like on the cake we had today).

Oh, and I can't forget all my aunts that are moms as well. They're all pretty amazing, raising my cousins to be superb people. That's a feat worth a thousand years of praise right there.

And then, of course, I have some cousins who are also moms (though I'm not sure if any of them are aware of the existence of this blog :P ). Man oh man, being a mom in today's world is a hard thing, and all you guys are doing so great.

I think what I'm trying to say is: Happy Mother's Day :D

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Awesome Global Mash Up

Music is awesome. All through the world there are people who make all sorts of music. It used to be that we could only appreciate those that became super famous or that were local. Then the Internet happened. Youtube has created its own symphony orchestra, using video's submitted to youtube by people all over the world. People from all over the world played their instruments and when all put together it created "The Internet Symphony."

The Youtube Symphony is performing today at Carnegie Hall.

In a mostly unrealated note, I edited the layout so that I could fit the video, what think ye?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Awesome, Youtube EXPLODED (part 2)

Youtube suddenly has a new layout! Everything is upside down! no seriously, this isn't an april fools prank, it really is upide down. Well ok, it is an April fools prank, but not mine.

How to use their new layout.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Awesome Game

Are computer games too hard theses days? Do you not have the time to finish these long winded games. Then have I got the game for you!

(The song at the end has a swear, just so you know, but other than that its great.)
You Have To Burn The Rope

Wasn't that great!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

We're Still Awesome

I haven't been very good at updating this recently, so remember, we're still awesome.

Updates because you peoples have been asking for them.

This past week my dad and I were in Annie. It was great fun, even though I was horribly sick through most of it. I realized about a day before the show started that I probably should have told you guys about it sooner through this blog. Oops.

Aunt Reba asked about Valentines day. There isn't anything to say. Schedules conflicted resulting in a completely ordinary day.

Tristan, my new nephew, is super cute and I don't think its possible to ever hold him enough.

Um... anything else? I don't know, my life isn't all that exciting if you just watch it. If you were me you would never be bored, but if you were watching me you would be bored out of your mind. I wouldn't make a good movie, but I might make a good book.

Speaking of books, I haven't written anything since Annie started. I think I'll solve that now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

LaTerry's Awesome Tips on How to Survive the Internet 2!

Man, I haven't updated in forever. I can explain in one simple word: Laaaaaaaaaaaaaazy~

Anyway, on to business.

Tips #2: Fun Times! :D

If you ever find yourself board on the internet, something is wrong. Boredom is a serious issue among all people, and I'm doing my best to fight it in all forms. Internet boredom is easily chased away with pitchforks fortunatly. Here are a list of sites that have a +2 effectiveness on boredom.

Honestly, if you don't know what youtube is, talk to your retailer and move out from under that rock. You can find just about anything on youtube as long as it doesn't break the rules. If something even remotely interests you, search it on youtube. If you think something is awesome, search it on youtube. Youtube can provide hours of entertainment as long as you know what you are looking for.

I just heard a groan from Jacob. Just skip ahead Jacob, just skip ahead.
Mousehunt is an addictive game on facebook that has forced me to live my life in 15 minute segments. The Kingdom of Gnawnia has been overrun with mice, and the King needs you to help. You start out with a simple trap and can only catch simple mice, such as a white mouse or a brown mouse. Each mice earns you a gold and point reward. As you gain more and more gold and points you can get better mouse traps, like the 500 pound crusher or the Deathbot, and with these better traps you can catch stronger mice, like the Granite mouse or the Zombie mouse. You catch mice by sounding the Hunters Horn every 15 minutes, which is why my life is split into 15 minute segments. The developers are always updating and making the game better for all. Many also suspent that that they are insane because of some of the video's they release, but that just makes it better. They have events all the time, usually on holidays, where they release special mice and do giveaways. I won 50 canadian dollars by playing mousehunt. Seriously.
If you ever need to laugh, go here. A million laughs, a million laughs.
This is a fun little site that lets you play games that totally aren't copyright infringment. You can play Tetris, I mean Blockles, Bomberma- Monkey Balloon, and Draw My Thing (which is suprisingly original). So ya, if you want to play some mind numming little games, this is the place for you.

There are tons of other sites that are dedicated to removing boredom, you just have to search. As always, the internet can be a dangerous place, so be careful. If I find/remember any more sites that should go here, I'll put them here.

On a side note, Valentines Day is on Saturday, and its the first time I actually care X_X

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Awesome Picture

What, were you expecting more tips to survive the internet again? Sorry, we interupt these tips to bring you an awesome picture.

I was browsing the internet and I found this.

I laughed for about half an hour. Now that may be because I was really, really, tired, but even so, I felt it worthy to be posted.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

LaTerry's Awesome Tips on How to Survive the Internet

The Internet can be a dangerous and confusing place. Without the proper know how, you may end up buying land on the moon, or having your identity stolen, or worse, you may find yourself bored. The Internet has infinite potential to keep you entertained and occupy your time, but it can also be a place of horrible unpleasantness. So, to keep you safe from being bored or unhappy, I offer you these tips on how to survive the Internet.

Lesson 1: Keeping yourself safe.

There are a bunch of idiots in the world. It seems that they multiply on the Internet. It boggles my mind why people go out of their way to create viruses whose sole purpose is to kill someone else's computer. Yet, they exist, and they probably think that they are pretty funny. Then there are people who don't have lives and so feel the need to steal someone else's life. And then there are people who really want you to visit their site, and so they bombard you with pop-ups. If you don't have the proper software, the Internet can be incredibly dangerous. Therefore, you need to protect your computer with antivirus, anti-spyware, and pop-up blockers. This can be a pain, but just think about how miserable you would be without it.

So that's important, but that's not all you need to do. There are other ways people can steal your identity. There are sites called Phisher sites. They will phish for you. Say you get an email from a website that you have subscribed to or joined or something. That email says to click the link and log in. This can be a trap. The mail could have been sent by a phisher, and when you click the link, you go to what looks like the site, but its really a clever ruse. You would then put your info into the site, but its not the site, and you didn't just log in. Someone just stole your user name and password. You have been phished. If you get an email from a site that says click this link to go to our site, it would be safer to go to the sites main page and log in there.

You email address is very important. Be careful where you give it out. But don't be paranoid either. If a site asks for it, look at their private policy if you are concerned. In fact, that goes for any website that is asking about your information. Read their private policy if you feel concered about why they are asking stuff about you. If they don't have a private policy, then you probably shouldn't trust them. Also, chain letters are a primary target for people to get email addresses. If you look at those, you can find hundreds of addresses after its been passed on a bit. So, don't send chain letters. Honestly, they are some of the most pointless things on the Internet, and that is saying a lot. If you feel that you must, there is a way to send an email and not pass on any email addresses. Instead of putting the email addresses of the people your sending it to in the TO: line, but them in the BCC: line. BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. You could send an email to hundreds of people, and they would never know. Spam companies can do nothing with an empty TO: line.

Just some things to keep in mind. I may or may not add more to this lesson, but for now, that's all. The next lesson will be less serious and more fun :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Katethegreat19 is Awesome!

Whilst browsing youtube, I found some wonderful videos by the user katethegreat19.

That song is called Rose of May. Katethegreat did all the instruments and all the vocals. The song was originally a song from Final Fantasy 9 and didn't have any lyrics, so she wrote and sang the lyrics for this video. The song is about the character Beatrix from Final Fantasy 9 and describes the character very well.

Again, she did everything for this song except write the original melody, which is again from Final Fantasy 9. This song is called The Place I'll Return Someday. Isn't is beautiful.

This song is called You're Not Alone (you may remember me blogging about this song before.) It is another song from Final Fantasy 9.

This song is Aerith's Theme from Final Fantasy 7. Its was already a beautiful sad song (as you may remember) but heavens did katethegreat19 make it so much better!

She has a lot of other songs, I suggest you check out her youtube page or her blogger page, or both (click on her name up at the top of the post).

So, in the unlikey case that katethegreat19 ever looks at my this blog post: You're awesome katethegreat19! You're awesome!

...Oh, and Happy New Year :D