Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mega Man is Awesome (and in the new Smash Bros Game)

I was going to do another Pokémon post, but that is all I've been doing lately. I realized that I haven't talked about this yet, so here it is.

This was a huge freakin' announcement! Finally Mega Man would be in Smash Brothers! And he looks awesome in the trailer. I love, as do many, the part where Mega Man takes out his Metal Blades. Its pure awesome.

For Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Nintendo had an enormous Hype Train that they rode the whole way to the release date. It demolished entire civilizations as it traveled the globe, spreading anticipation for Brawl. Nintendo, for some reason, has not done that this time around. They started out strong, but then came a whole lot of nothing. All that we have learned since E3 has been characters that we either knew would be in or didn't want to be in, and that there isn't a story mode like in Brawl. Hype Train officially derailed. That's why this post was titled "Super Smash Brothers Wii U is Going to be Awesome" because my hype is dead. (Pokémon seems to have claimed the hype train for the moment, as it has all my attention.)

I still get excited when I watch the Mega Man trailer though. Nintendo, we need more awesome hypetastic trailers. Please?

Edit: Ha, on the day I posted this, Sonic was revealed as a character. Still, most of us expected this, so its nothing new. 

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